Monday, September 7, 2009

my bad day.. ;((

Yam sayo.. As usual I wakes up slowly because I’m still in sleepy.. I wake up at 11am.. I refused to the offer first which want to go epoh but in the end, I go… Yesterday, I went to epoh with my roomates.. Today is very bad luck.. We went to epoh at 3pm..Then we went to Jaya Jusco by taking a general bus.. It is very the ‘teruk2’ days.. Their air-cond is very2 slow.. So troubling bus.. Huh ! And then we took another bus again to arrived to jusco.. Huhuh.. c(=

After we arrived in jusco,we decided to look some stuff there.. We love shopping.. We saw many shoes,shirts,trousers and much more.. We’re just window shopper.. We are not a shopaholic or impulsive buyer.. There are so many sales.. The sales are up until 70% discount ! Whoa ! Our eyes look that’s stuff like we’re in heaven.. Wahhhh…. Also washing our eyes.. ^^ Ahaa ! So many handsome and cute boys.. Huuuu…. But I’m not an available..

We are breaking for fasting at food court in jusco.. Just eating some a nice foods.. Ain and I bought food in KFC.. Sue bought foods at food court.. So,we decided to breaking fasting at food courts.. The situation is awkward at first but its okay then.. Its had a crush at there.. Then,I saw faezah.. My old friends.. Wah ! Very missed her.. My best buddy.. We chatting for a while.. And then,she go… Hurmmm…. Back in my food story again.. Hahah.. A big apple also we bought.. Very kind of food we bought.. Heheh.. After we breaking for fasting,we went to the surau to pray.. May ALLAH bless us.. Aminn….

I felt not well.. I don’t know why.. My mind think so many things.. Sue also like that.. I can figures out what happen after this because I’m a smart person too deceive.. Ceh ! Because my friend, Ain are looking for some1 at here.. This is the 1st time she met him.. She had recognize some1 and had a blind date.. Huhu.. She had many secret admires.. Pssssttttt….. Don’t tell to anyone yeah ! Heheh.. Also skandal.. Its very normal to her.. Not like me.. I’m a very innocent person.. Hahaha.. Kind ? Maybe la.. I’m not hot.. I’m not pretty.. She is better than me.. Am I right? Huhu.. By the way,I’m sorry for my grammar.. Because so many in trouble grammar rules.. I’m not too smart about this.. But, I’ll try my best.. Mianhamnida..^^

Oppppsssss…. I almost forgot ! Her secret admires is very cruel person.. Evilish person.. I am very angry at him.. Sue also.. Angry like a lion.. But I’ll keep my anger well.. Uwaaah ! He promise with us want to sent us back to the uitm.. Before that, we want to go back to uitm at 5pm.. But, he said don’t go yet la.. Its still early la.. I can sent you all by car la.. I trust him.. So, we met him.. He brought along his friends.. Very handsome friends.. Ceh ! Having a time to indecent.. c(= You all know what he did to us ? He cheated we all.. He refused to sent us back to uitm.. He said he had other work to be settled.. Busy la kunun.. Huh ! Then he leave us stucked with this situation.. Uwaaaaa…. He is a Terengganu person.. Terengganu person always like that.. So irresponsible person.. HOT ! I want to crying..It was 9p.m. already!! There were no more bus at this time.. Where we want to slept tonight?.. We all murmuring ourself.. I whisper in my hearts.. We all crying like crazy .. We don’t care about anyone else anymore.. So,I called my ex-boyfriends.. Who was a person that always help me when I’m in trouble.. Then,we went to McD to buy something to eat.. And then went to KFC again.. Hahah.. Lastly,Alhamdulillah he sent us back to uitm.. Thanks to him.. ~Wan Muhammad Syafiq..

We arrived at uitm on 11.10pm.. Wah ! I never did this before .. This is first time that I’m going out to until midnight.. I am afraid plus scared.. I’ll die if my mum know about this.. Fuh ! My day ended with a bad luck.. But still, I enjoyed it ! ^^ I murmur myself before get into a deep sleep..The End.. Anyyeonghi jumushipsayo..